Tag: wanderlust ale

Da Nang: Unusual Adventures to Marble Mountain and Lady Buddha

Around the world Asia Vietnam

Da Nang: Unusual Adventures to Marble Mountain and Lady Buddha

In my previous article on My Son, I told you about the various excursions available from Hoi An. We explored the culture and nature of central Vietnam in the ancient archaeological city. Today, I’m taking you on a slightly more… shall we say, unexpected adventure, still departing from Hoi An. Surprising, because we had no idea what we were going to discover.

We booked a half-day tour with our hostel to discover the mysteries of the caves and caverns of Marble Mountain in Da Nang, followed by a visit to the famous Lady Buddha. Well, let’s say it was an unforgettable experience, especially thanks to our guide, who mastered English about as well as I mastered kung fu (which is to say, not at all).

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2 days in Hoi An: Unveiling Vietnam’s Luminous Beauty

Around the world Asia Vietnam

2 days in Hoi An: Unveiling Vietnam’s Luminous Beauty

A stroll through Hoi An, by far the best-preserved old town in Vietnam, gives you a rare feeling of stepping back in time. The pretty lantern-decorated streets reveal a cosmopolitan architecture that reflects the past of this once prosperous trading port.

Situated on the banks of the Thu Bon River, Hoi An is a coastal town in Vietnam that captivates visitors with its historic charm, well-preserved architecture and peaceful ambience. Not only have the ancient buildings survived the wars of the 20th century, but they have also retained traditional features that are rare today.

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Ninh Binh, a natural gem to discover in Vietnam

Around the world Asia Vietnam

Ninh Binh, a natural gem to discover in Vietnam

Ninh Binh province was one of my favourites in Vietnam. Naturally, it’s still a must-see for tourists, as it’s nicknamed Ha Long Bay on land, but it feels better than Ha Long Bay, which, despite being a natural wonder, was ultimately my least favourite place.

Ninh Binh boasts some of Southeast Asia’s most beautiful, majestic and impressive natural scenery. With its towering karst peaks rising from the rice paddies, it is a destination that was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014 (for the Trang An landscape complex).

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Vietnam off the beaten tracks: Pu Luong

Around the world Asia Vietnam

Vietnam off the beaten tracks: Pu Luong

Pu Luong Nature Reserve is a magnificent mountainous region famous for its picturesque landscapes, rural villages and rice terraces. Pu Luong is not yet on the tourist radar, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers looking for a relaxing, unique and unforgettable experience.

Pu Luong is a truly amazing destination if you like to explore off-the-beaten-track destinations and want to get an idea of what Vietnam was like before tourism took hold.

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Vietnam off the beaten tracks: Mai Chau

Around the world Asia Vietnam

Vietnam off the beaten tracks: Mai Chau

Mai Chau is a rural region in north-west Vietnam, just a three-hour drive from Hanoi, the bustling Vietnamese capital. It was a breath of fresh air during my trip to Vietnam, as well as an unusual and off-the-beaten-track place to visit.

Indeed, long before our trip and when we were preparing it, there was no mention of this region in any research. The main tourist attraction was the Pu Luong Nature Park, which we wanted to visit and which gave us two days’ rest away from the hustle and bustle of Hanoi.

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Café in Lausanne: 3rd edition of the café crawl

Lausanne Switzerland Vaud

Café in Lausanne: 3rd edition of the café crawl

As you’re beginning to know, I have a passion as an intrepid explorer for unearthing the caffeine gems of Lausanne. And this year, 2024, my coffee radar went into overdrive with several addresses in my sights, having spent a few months in German-speaking Switzerland.

So I got my faithful sidekick on board to participate in the third edition of our now famous caféthon. Fuelled by the prospect of discovering new havens in Lausanne, we immersed ourselves in the bustle of the capital’s streets on a sunny Saturday in February.

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Café in Lausanne: 2nd edition of the café crawl

Lausanne Switzerland Vaud

Café in Lausanne: 2nd edition of the café crawl

Ah, coffee! That aromatic beverage awakens our senses and gives us the boost we need to face the day. My favourite drink. In all its guises. In Lausanne, coffee (and the café) is more than just a morning drink/place; it’s a way of life, an experience in its own right.

Imagine strolling along the old town’s cobbled streets, with only the alluring aroma of freshly brewed coffee for company. You stop in front of a little café on the corner, drawn by the murmur of lively conversation and the clinking of cups. It’s enough almost to make me leave my beloved Vevey to experience this passion for coffee daily.

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Road to Cilaos, the sunniest cirque on Réunion Island

Africa France Réunion Réunion

Road to Cilaos, the sunniest cirque on Réunion Island

Cilaos, the last of the three cirques that inhabit the beautiful island of Réunion. Far less well-known than the other two cirques, I decided to venture there one day, alone, in my sister’s old hire car. Legend has it that the car never recovered from the very winding road that leads there.

The Cirque de Cilaos is formed by the ramparts of the caldera of the Piton des Neiges, Réunion’s highest peak. At an average altitude of 1,200 metres, Cilaos is surrounded by majestic peaks, sharp ridges and deep ravines, creating a magnificent mountain landscape.

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Salazie, Réunion’s lush cirque

Africa France Réunion Réunion

Salazie, Réunion’s lush cirque

Reunion, the jewel of the Indian Ocean, is an island of a thousand facets, offering a surprising diversity of landscapes. Among its natural treasures, the Cirque de Salazie stands out for its lush beauty, majestic waterfalls and pleasant atmosphere.

The Cirque de Salazie, located in the heart of Reunion Island, is one of three natural cirques that characterize the island’s mountainous terrain. I’ve already told you about Mafate here. Surrounded by imposing mountains, this cirque offers a setting of unspoilt nature, with its vertiginous crests, verdant valleys and spectacular waterfalls.

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