Tag: dublin

Discover the world’s most beautiful libraries

Admont Around the world Austria Bavaria Brazil Dublin England Europe Finland Germany Ireland Italy Kosovo Netherlands North America Schwytz South America Spain St. Gallen Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom United States

Discover the world’s most beautiful libraries

” I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library” has once declared Jorge Luis Borges, the famous Argentinian writer.

Enclosing secrets as old as the world, mysterious and intriguing, these temples of knowledge offer much more than literary choices. They present marvellous architectures symbolising the developments and ideas of history and dazzle with such cachet.

From the oldest to the most futuristic, these spaces dedicated to reading were all built with the aim of being able to amaze, charm and above all inspire visitors. Well, mostly to charm and inspire me. And make me travel to unusual places.

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Behind the scenes of Guinness fabrication in Dublin: Slaìnte!

Dublin Europe Ireland

Behind the scenes of Guinness fabrication in Dublin: Slaìnte!

Dublin, the capital of Ireland, had long been on my list of European cities to discover. As you know, I have in mind to visit all the European capitals before I turn 30 (see bucket list) and for 2019, the only one that was discovered is Dublin. Apart from crossing this city off my list, Dublin was to be explored for two main reasons: Trinity College Library and Guinness Storehouse!

I tell you more about my adventures in the library here, as this one will talk about Guinness, my favourite beer! So, coming to Ireland and not visiting its famous brewery would be like a serious crime for any self-respecting beer lover or for anybody who wants to spend €18.50. But anyway, we decided to pay the entrance fee for the Guinness Storehouse, since I couldn’t leave without having discovered the secrets of this beer and above all, I also wondered if it tasted different in Ireland, but I’ll come back to that later.

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